Website Maintenance Features

Performance and Speed Optimisation

Fast website

Paolo Neo [Public domain]

Technically speaking, website performance is a measurement of the time between a user making a request for some content on your site and that content appearing in their browser. This time can be measured objectively with hard and fast metrics, but its important to not neglect the subjective user experience. Does your site ‘feel’ fast?

Not all sites are equal when it comes to the performance levels that can be achieved. Older, legacy websites or poorly constructed new websites may need a lot of optimisation to perform well in both objective tests and for subjective user experience, while more modern and well built websites will tend to be able to achieve better results.

Hosting also plays a role here – your site can be optimised to the teeth, but if its running on dodgy shared hosting, there’s’ only so performant it can ever become.

Why should I care?

Two huge reasons:

  1. Performance is a factor in Google’s ranking of your site.
  2. Your users will like it, stay on your site longer and do more buisness with you.

How does the Maverick website maintenance programme help?

At Maverick labs we take a realistic and holistic view of performance, setting sensible targets for your site and monitoring and maintaining these, while slowly and steadily building performance until we have achieved the maximum upgrade possible. Performance can often be a trade off between competing objectives: You may wish to run a large amount of tracking code on a given page, which comes at the cost of slowing down your page load while the server requests a large number of remotely hosted files, or  you may need to use very high quality images which comes at the cost of large file sizes. We’ll work within the business requirements of your site to achieve the best outcome for you and your users.

Fine tuning and tweaking as we go, we use automated testing to identify performance bottlenecks hiding within your site and manual intervention to remedy in a way that respects the goals and functionality of your site.



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