Website Maintenance Features

Site Functionality Monitoring

Nothing paints a worse picture for your users – who could be prospective customers or clients – than broken functionality on your website. Among the most common points of failure are contact forms, and a broken form will literally lose you customers.

But breakages to even small features on your site can lead to huge negative  effects – the broken window theory maintains that, much like broken windows left unrepaired in a neighbourhood

“the mere perception of disorder.. precipitates a negative feedback loop that can result in total disorder:”

Maverick proactively check your site’s pages, links and forms by manual inspection and by scripting automated tests. Maverick analyse and check for bugs and code issues throughout the site on an ongoing basis and prioritise their repair as they arise. We address these in order of importance, and record actions taken on the monthly maintenance report.


Broken Window Theory


If your site has large amounts of business critical functionality, you will most likely need to avail of our premium or enterprise plans to provide for the increased aount of testing that will be required. We don’t leave broken windows behind us.

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